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Creating my Seasons on Tooting Bec Common print

Creating my Seasons on Tooting Bec Common print

I’ve always loved capturing photos of the same scene at different times of year, seeing the way in which the light and colours change. Years ago my commute used to take me through Green Park, and I’d often stop to drink it all in - the daffodils in Spring, early morning foggy mist in Autumn.

With Tooting Commons now on my doorstep, I’d been longing to create a seasonal print. Taking the same scene and watching it change over the course of a year, combining the results in a single print - a quadriptych on one piece of paper if you like!

The seasonal colour palettes

Paints and canvas used on my Seasons piece

Each season has a palette to echo the feel, with common colours used across each season to bring the piece together. The colours for each season are based on Little Greene Paint Company with a couple of lighter greens from Paint & Paper Library. Fresh spring greens, the warm yellows of summer sunshine, deep autumnal reds and cool winter blues form the base of the piece.


South Island Art sketching in the park

A few afternoons were spent experimenting with making different marks to represent the shapes in trees and how these could be layered together to create something highly distinctive.

The details

Along with layer upon layer of colour and shapes in the trees, there are also tiny details from tables and benches outside the cafe, with the odd person or two, and a cyclist riding through.

The final piece

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